Country Music Videos

A scene with Archie Bunker standing up for the National Anthem is trending 50 years after its release.

Archie Bunker was undoubtedly a memorable TV character. He starred in “All in the Family” for years, connecting with millions of Americans who found his views on being an American relatable.

The show portrayed Bunker as a hardworking American man and former military member, which explained his refusal to stand by while another person disrespected the Star-Spangled Banner and all it symbolized.

Although some of his remarks haven’t aged well in light of the recent “woke” movement sweeping across America, Bunker’s support for the national anthem still resonates with millions of Americans who prioritize their pride in the country above all else. In this particular clip, Bunker was watching TV with his son-in-law, Meathead.

As the national anthem played before a sporting event, Meathead criticized the anthem, arguing it was not a good song because it glorified the horrors of war. While modern critics claim the anthem is racist against Black, brown, and indigenous people of color, Meathead’s issue with the anthem stemmed from its origins during the War of 1812 between the young United States and Great Britain.

When Meathead voiced his criticism, Archie Bunker quickly defended the anthem. “That’s one terrible song,” Meathead complained to his father-in-law, to which Bunker couldn’t believe what he was hearing and made his thoughts clear.

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