
Report to the police if you spot a person with these tattoos.

If you spot someone with distinctive tattoos while walking in your neighborhood, remember that certain tattoos may be linked to gangs. Gang activity isn’t limited to large cities anymore—it can occur in our own communities. Recognizing signs of gang membership is vital for our safety and that of our loved ones.

Gang members often display tattoos as a mark of allegiance and dominance over an area. By identifying these tattoos, we can take steps to protect ourselves. Here are a few common gang-related tattoos to be aware of:

– Members of the Neo-Nazi Aryan Brotherhood often bear the numbers “14” or “88” on their bodies, indicating ties to a large prison gang.

– A Spiderweb tattoo, often located on the elbow, is commonly seen on individuals who have served extended prison time and joined gangs for protection.

– A Teardrop tattoo typically signifies a murder committed for the gang, though its meaning may vary by group.

– The “Three Dots” tattoo represents a gang lifestyle, standing for “my crazy life” or “my gang life.” However, this tattoo isn’t specific to any one gang.

– A Five-Dot tattoo, more severe than the three-dot version, signals a lengthy prison sentence.

– An “MS” tattoo is associated with the MS-13 gang, a group founded by Salvadoran immigrants, known for targeting random victims.

If you encounter someone with these tattoos, it’s wise to keep your distance. With recent shifts like “defund the police,” gangs are becoming more powerful, making it harder for law enforcement to manage crime. Staying vigilant to signs of gang activity is now more crucial than ever and could potentially save lives.

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